I am making an app (idk what to call it) that shows up as a prompt and alert.
However, my code seems to unable to run a switchcase inside a switchcase which I use to add an order into a cart and also use to show the content of the cart.
Another way of saying what my problem is:
I cannot add items to my cart
I cannot access my cart (the prompt just closes itself)
To be more clear I will include my code below along with a codepen link of it and I will comment where I think the problems are.
All input is greatly appreciated.
arrayCart =[];
totalBill = parseInt(0);
cartContent = arrayCart.length;
userInput = parseInt(prompt('1. Menu\n2. Your Cart\n3. Payment\n4. Exit'))
// This is to go to Menu
case 1:
inputPesanan = prompt('Silahkan pilih menu yang diinginkan:\n1. Paket Bento A\n2. Paket Bento B\n3. Paket Bento C')
// I think the 1st problem starts here
case 1:
arrayCart.push('Paket Bento A - Rp20.000\n');
totalBill += parseInt(20000);
case 2:
arrayCart.push('Paket Bento B - Rp25.000\n');
totalBill += parseInt(25000);
case 3:
arrayCart.push('Paket Bento C - Rp30.000\n');
totalBill += parseInt(30000);
// and the 1st problem ends here
// This is to check the Cart's content
case 2:
// And I think the 2nd problem starts here
inputKeranjang = alert('Isi Keranjang Anda\n' + arrayCart + '\n\n' + 'Total Tagihan Anda: \n' + totalBIll)
// and it ends here
//----------- everything under this line seems to be working fine ---------------------------------------
// This is to input how much money you would like to pay with and calculate the change or deficit (if any)
case 3:
inputPayment = parseInt(prompt('Total Tagihan Anda :\nRp' + totalBill + '\n\nBerapa uang yang Anda akan bayarkan?'));
case inputPayment<totalBill:
alert('Uang Anda kurang sebesar Rp ' + parseInt(totalBill-inputPayment));
case inputPayment>totalBill:
alert('Anda akan mendapat kembalian sebesar Rp' + parseInt(inputPayment-totalBill));
case inputPayment=totalBill:
alert('Uang Anda pas');
// This is to end the infinite loop and close the app
if(userInput === 4)
I'm not the javascript developer but as far switch statement goes,
This is how it works:
So whatever you pass as input to the switch("YouInput") it checks for that in all cases, so If you pass Int as your Input in first switch, let say 1 then case 1: will execute if you pass 100 case 100: if no case match default will and if you pass String let say "Yosia" then if there is any case "Yosia": that will execute
So in your second switch cases you are checking for case 1: , case:2 but I don't think your "inputPesanan" is of type int beacuse in everywhere else you are using some parseIn but not there so may be print and check you "inputPesanan" it will not be 1, 2, or cases you are looking for.