This is my question:
I got an jsp page, this jsp has many text fields like this:
<html:text property="cicPF" maxlength="9" style="text-transform: uppercase;" onfocus="disableIfeFields()"/>
So I want to disable some of this text fields when the focus it's in a specific field
But no one of this fields has "id" label, and I can't modify it to include it.
May I disable the fields usig their given names, no one of this repeats the same name.
for example with a function like this:
function disableIfeFields(){
document.getElementsByName("numIdentificacionPF").disabled = true;
You need to loop through the list and disable all the fields you want that way, used input to show example:
function disableIfeFields() {
document.getElementsByName("numIdentificacionPF").forEach((e) => {
e.disabled = true;
<html:text property="cicPF" maxlength="9" style="text-transform: uppercase;" />
<input onfocus="disableIfeFields()" type="text" name="fname">
<input type="text" name="numIdentificacionPF">
<input type="text" name="numIdentificacionPF">
<input type="text" name="numIdentificacionPF">
<input type="text" name="numIdentificacionPF">
<input type="text" name="numIdentificacionPF">