I guess it's a very basic question, but I really didn't get it to work.
Before opening a modal popup I'm reading out three data-targets with js.
var x = 2;
$('#confirm-delete').on('show.bs.modal', function(e) {
$(this).find('.btn-ok').attr('onclick', 'location.href=\'' + $(e.relatedTarget).data('href') + '\'');
This code works fine, but I want to remove the 4th line where I put the data-target "data-prodid" into the input "prodtotext". In return I want to read out the data-target "data-prodid" and put this value into "var x = 2"
With the value I'm setting the preselected value of a dropdown list which is different on every opened modal popup.
What I thought should work:
$('#confirm-delete').on('show.bs.modal', function(e) {
$(this).find('.btn-ok').attr('onclick', 'location.href=\'' + $(e.relatedTarget).data('href') + '\'');
var x = $(this).data("prodid");
Finally found my solution. Thank you for your advice.
$('#confirm-delete').on('show.bs.modal', function(e) {
$(this).find('.btn-ok').attr('onclick', 'location.href=\'' + $(e.relatedTarget).data('href') + '\'');
thisdata = $(e.relatedTarget).data('prodid');