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C# Dependency Injection - good practices

I have some problem with understanding how to create injectable classes…

Here is my example:

public interface IService
  string FindSomeData()

Now we create a class which implements the interface:

public class FolderService : IService
  private string _path;

  public FolderService(string path)
    _path = path;

  public string FindSomeData()
    //Open a folder using _path and find some data

And maybe other class:

public class DbService : IService
      private MyConnectionClass _connection;

      public DbService(MyConnectionClass connection)
        _connection = connection;

      public string FindSomeData()
        //Connect to database using _connection object and find some data

Now I would like to add one of the classes to IoC Container e.x.:

if (InDebug)
 SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IService, FolderService>();
 SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IService, DbService>();

And know I have a problems. When I want to pass this object to the constructor of some other classes:

public MyViewModel(IService service)
 _service = service;
// Read folder name from TextBox on View and then call _service.FindSomeData

Then I would like to pass user selected path to the IService object (FolderService) in this case. How should I do this in a correct way (according to SOLID and other good practiciess patterns…)?

Once I should pass string (folder path), once a MyConnectionClass (if connection to database). What is the best way to do that kind of things?

Best regards, Michal


  • You can encapsulate folder path provide/change logic into a separate provider like IFolderPathProvider and inject it into FolderService

    public interface IFolderPathProvider {
        string GetFolderPath();
        void SetFolderPath(string);
    public class FolderPathProvider : IFolderPathProvider  {
    public class FolderService : IService
      private IFolderPathProvider _folderPathProvider;
      public FolderService(IFolderPathProvider folderPathProvider)
        _folderPathProvider = folderPathProvider;
      public string FindSomeData()
        string path = _folderPathProvider.GetFolderPath();
        //Open a folder using path and find some data

    When user changes the path, inject IFolderPathProvider to the handler and call SetFolderPath. Similarly, you can create IDbConnectionProvider. Depending on the situation, they can be combined into one DataConfigProvider but I 'm not sure what exactly do you need there; the main idea is to separate folderpath/dbconnection changing logic from the services and keep using dependency injection.