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Bigger Title in Radarchart plot - R

I'm using radarchart from fmsb to make a spyder plot. Anyone knows how to make the title bigger?

Here is the code sample( 2:20 , 10 , replace=T) , ncol=10))
colnames(data)=c("math" , "english" , "biology" , "music" , "R-coding", 
"data-viz" , "french" , "physic", "statistic", "sport" )

data=rbind(rep(20,10) , rep(0,10) , data)
radarchart( data  , axistype=1 , 

            #custom polygon
            pcol=rgb(0.2,0.5,0.5,0.9) , pfcol=rgb(0.2,0.5,0.5,0.5) , plwd=1 , 

            #custom the grid
            cglcol="gray48", cglty=1.1, axislabcol="gray48", caxislabels=seq(0,1,5), cglwd=0.9,

            #custom labels
            vlcex=0.8,title=paste("Cluster 1 ")

Caveat: i don't want to use ggradar package


  • Is it the radarchart function from the package fmsb? If yes, you should be able to put cex.main = 3 or something inside radarchart():

    radarchart( data  , axistype=1 , 
                #custom polygon
                pcol=rgb(0.2,0.5,0.5,0.9) , pfcol=rgb(0.2,0.5,0.5,0.5) , plwd=1 , 
                #custom the grid
                cglcol="gray48", cglty=1.1, axislabcol="gray48", caxislabels=seq(0,1,5), cglwd=0.9,
                #custom labels
                vlcex=0.8,title=paste("Cluster 1 "),
                cex.main = 3

    (See ?par)