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superagent / supertest with async / await

Goal is to set the variable auth correctly for further use, hence i want to refactor the function loginUser:

function loginUser(user, request, auth) {
  return function(done) {

    function onResponse(err, res) {
      auth.token = res.body.token;
      return done();

 loginUser(user, request, auth)(function() {
    .set('Authorization', `bearer ${auth.token}`)
    .expect(200, done);

to use async / await like this (without the callback):

auth = await loginUser(user, request);
    .set('Authorization', `bearer ${auth.token}`)
    .expect(200, done);

But i am struggling of returning / setting auth correctly (it would not matter if i pass auth as parameter or as return value).

What i tried was stuff like this:

async function loginUser(user, request) {
  let auth;
  await request

  function onResponse(err, res) {
    auth.token = res.body.token;
  return auth;

But auth was never set correctly.


  • Don't use 'end' syntax, that's for callbacks:

    const response = await
    const {body: {token}} = response
    return token

    Basically it should look like sync code