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How to rewrite this js class without decorators

I want to use mobx without using decorators. Usually I use decorate from mobx package but in this particular case, I could not find a way to make it work.

Original code :

import { observable } from 'mobx'
import { create, persist } from 'mobx-persist'

class Order {
  currentOrder = null

What I tried :

import { observable, decorate } from 'mobx'
import { create, persist } from 'mobx-persist'
import { compose } from 'recompose'

class Order {
  currentOrder = null

decorate(Order, {
    currentOrder: compose(persist('object'), observable),

The error comes from persist telling serializr decorator is not used properly. Any idea why this is different from above and does not work ?


  • TL;DR

    Property Decorators requires a very specific composition implementation.

    Solution Demo:
    Edit MobX Decorators Composer

    Full Answer

    Property Decorators are basically a function of the form:
    (target, prop, descriptor) => modifiedDescriptor

    So, in order to compose two Property Decorators you need to pass the 1st decorator's result as a third argument of the 2nd decorator (along with target and prop).

    Recompose.compose (same as lodash.flowRight) applies functions from right to left and passing the result as a single argument to the next function.

    Thus, you can't use Recompose.compose for composing decorators, but you can easily create a composer for decorators:

    /* compose.js */
    export default (...decorators) => (target, key, descriptor) =>
        (accDescriptor, decorator) => decorator(target, key, accDescriptor),

    Then we use it in order to compose observable and persist("object").

    /* Order.js */
    import { observable, decorate, action } from "mobx";
    import { persist } from "mobx-persist";
    import compose from "./compose";
    class Order {
      currentOrder = null;
    export default decorate(Order, {
      currentOrder: compose(

    [21/8/18] Update for MobX >=4.3.2 & >=5.0.4:

    I opened PRs (which have been merged) for MobX5 & MobX4 in order to support multiple decorators OOB within the decorate utility function.
    So, this is available in MobX >=4.3.2 & >= 5.0.4:

    import { decorate, observable } from 'mobx'
    import { serializable, primitive } from 'serializr'
    import persist from 'mobx-persist';
    class Todo {
        id = Math.random();
        title = "";
        finished = false;
    decorate(Todo, {
        title: [serializable(primitive), persist('object'), observable],
        finished: observable