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Hiding the "Object Picker" of an EditorGUILayout.ObjectField in Unity Inspector?

I'm just asking if there is any possibility to hide the "Object Picker" (The little knob/menu next to an ObjectField) in a custom Inspector. I have some cases where changes are disabled (DisableGroup) and I would like to also hide the knob while the content can not be changed anyway.

enter image description here

Also to make things easier for users I think about making the field higher (EditorGUIUtility.SingleLineHeight * 2) -> the picker gets stretched as well what looks kind of shitty ^^


using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class Bla : MonoBehaviour {

    public class BlaEditor : Editor
        private AudioClip _clip;

        public override void OnInspectorGUI()
            // do some magic to hide the object picker
            _clip = (AudioClip) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("some label", _clip, typeof(AudioClip), false);

I want to stick with an ObjectField rather than a simple Label for two reasons:

  • Even on a disabled `ObjectField| the "ping" functionality is still working. (If you click on it, the according asset gets highlighted in the Hierarchy.) This is not the case obviously with a label.
  • The user should not get confused with completely different looking controls but I rather only want to remove some unnecessary clutter.


  • You might find a solution to hide the object picker by usage of stylesheets.

    If all you want is just to display some reference, you can use a simple button basically styled as text field, adding an image and ping the object from code yourself.

    using UnityEngine;
    namespace Test
        public class TestBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
            [SerializeField] private bool _audioEnabled;
            [SerializeField] private AudioClip _audioClip;


    using System.Reflection;
    using UnityEditor;
    using UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements;
    using UnityEngine;
    namespace Test
        public class TestBehaviourEditor : Editor
            private SerializedProperty _clipProp;
            private SerializedProperty _audioEnabledProp;
            private ObjectField m_ObjectField;
            private const BindingFlags FIELD_BINDING_FLAGS = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
            private void OnEnable()
                _clipProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("_audioClip");
                _audioEnabledProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("_audioEnabled");
            public override void OnInspectorGUI()
                    //TODO: calculate proper layout 
                    var type = target.GetType().GetField(_clipProp.propertyPath, FIELD_BINDING_FLAGS).FieldType;
                    var clip = _clipProp.objectReferenceValue;
                    var guiContent = EditorGUIUtility.ObjectContent(clip, type);
                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Fake ObjectField Button");
                    var style = new GUIStyle("TextField");
                    style.fixedHeight   = 16;
                    style.imagePosition = clip ? ImagePosition.ImageLeft : ImagePosition.TextOnly;
                    if (GUILayout.Button(guiContent, style ) && clip)