I am creating an app with materialize css. Materialize css has an autocomplete js feature. You can pass in data to autocomplete. I also have a python flask backend that returns a python dictionary in JSON form. Javascript receives it on the front end and parses the JSON data. I was wondering if it would be possible to append the JSON data into the premade autocomplete. Here is my code:
//parse json data
var datas = JSON.parse('{{ data | tojson | safe}}');
data: {
'Apple': null,
datas: null
My console looks like this, so I know I have a useable python dictionary:
{Nick: "null", User: "null"}
Nick: "null"
User: "null"
__proto__: Object
I have tried using my data directly, passing it in through the data field instead of data: but I have no luck. I would like to use my JSON data in the data field of the autocomplete, how would I do this? Thank you!
To append your objects you can do, something like:
var datas = JSON.parse('{{ data | tojson | safe}}');
var newData = $.extend({'Apple':null}, datas);
data: newData