How to get min
and max
value by using jpa and not using native query?
Result must be fetched with single transaction.
Relative sql
SELECT min(price), max(price) FROM product
I tried using this code
Integer min = (Integer) criteria.uniqueResult();
Integer max = (Integer) criteria.uniqueResult();
but this seems to be too odd to execute it twice.
Well you need to use a ProjectionList
with your Criteria
Your code would look like this:
Object[] minMax = criteria.uniqueResult();
Integer min = (Integer) minMax[0];
Integer max = (Integer) minMax[1];
Another option is to use HQL, with min
and max
Aggregate functions:
Query q = session.createQuery("select min(prd.price), max(prd.price) from Product prd");
Object[] minMax = q.getSingleResult();
Integer min = (Integer) minMax[0];
Integer max = (Integer) minMax[1];