I am using ajax_select for my m2m and foreign key fields, its working fine but it is not rendering default value of that field, it is rending empty value ("|"
I am not using ajax_select in my admin panel, so when I open that form in admin panel, fields are having default values already. That means their is no problem in default values but in ajax_select field.
What it is rending now :
<input type="hidden" name="colours" id="id_colours" value="|" data-ajax-select="autocompleteselectmultiple" data-plugin-options="{"source": "/ajax_select/ajax_lookup/colours", "html": true}" data-changed="true">
What I wanted is:
<input type="hidden" name="colours" id="id_colours" value="|8|" data-ajax-select="autocompleteselectmultiple" data-plugin-options="{"source": "/ajax_select/ajax_lookup/colours", "html": true}" data-changed="true">
If at least default value initialized in name=colour
, I can show help text that default value is White
As I searched at documentation of ajax_select but nothing found related to it, does anyone know how to render default values in ajax_select field.
Is this problem occurring with me only or ajax_select doesn't have this default value feature ?
This can be achieved by overriding the get_form()
method as :
def get_form(self,form_class=None):
form = super().get_form(form_class)
form['colours'].initial = '8'
return form
Now default value is set manually and also working in ajax_select