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Checking for sum inside matrix and keep the path on second array recursively

This question was on my end of semester test on Java:

Given a matrix of positive numbers (unsorted) m, an integer sum and another matrix p that filled with 0 all over. recursively check if there is a path inside m that the sum of it will be equal to sum.

the rules:

you can only travel to down , up , left or right in the array.

after you've found the path , the matrix p will be filled with 1's on the correct path.

there is only 1 path

all other cells on p should be 0 after the method has finished.

if there is no path to this sum you will leave p as you got him.


        int[][] p = {{0,0,0,0},

in the beginning.

the matrix is:

        int [][] hill = {{3,8,7,1},

if you call the method on sum = 23 the method will return true , and p will be:

        int[][] p = {{1,0,0,0},


this question just made the test like hell...

Hope you can figure it out and maybe help me to understand it!! THANKS

my progress:

    public static boolean findSum(int[][] mat , int sum , int[][]path){
    return findSum(mat,sum,path,0,0);

private static boolean findSum(int[][] m, int sum, int[][] p, int i, int j) {
    if (i>=m.length || j>= m[i].length) return false;

    boolean op1 = finder(m,sum-m[i][j],p,i,j);
    boolean op2 = findSum(m,sum,p,i+1,j);
    boolean op3 = findSum(m,sum,p,i,j+1);

    if (op1) return true;
    else if (op2) return true;
    return op3;

private static boolean finder(int[][] m, int sum,int[][]p , int i, int j) {

    if (sum==0) {
        return true;
    boolean op1=false,op2=false,op3=false,op4=false;
    if (i>0 && p[i-1][j]==0 && sum-m[i][j]>=0) op1 = finder(m, sum - m[i][j], p, i - 1, j);
    if (i<m.length-1 && p[i+1][j]==0&& sum-m[i][j]>=0) op2 = finder(m, sum - m[i][j], p, i + 1, j);
    if (j>0 && p[i][j-1]==0&& sum-m[i][j]>=0) op3 = finder(m, sum - m[i][j], p, i, j - 1);
    if (j<m[i].length-1 && p[i][j+1]==0&& sum-m[i][j]>=0) op4 = finder(m, sum - m[i][j], p, i, j + 1);
    else p[i][j]=0;
    return op1||op2||op3||op4;



  • so I managed to make it work :) with some help from my course instructor here is a full java solution!

    public static boolean findSum(int[][] m ,int s, int[][]p){
        return findSum(m,s,p,0,0); //calling overloading
    private static boolean findSum(int[][] m, int s, int[][] p, int i, int j) {
        if (i<0 || i>=m.length) return false; //stop condition
        if (finder(m,s,p,i,j)) return true; //first recursion
        if (j<m[0].length-1) //if the iterator is not on the end of the row 
            return  findSum(m,s,p,i,j+1); //recursive call 
        else //if i checked the whole row , the column will be increase.
            return findSum(m,s,p,i+1,0);//recursive call
    private static boolean finder(int[][] m, int s, int[][] p, int i, int j) {
        if (s == 0) return true;
        if (i<0 || i>=m.length || j<0 || j>=m.length || s<0 || p[i][j] == 1) return false;
        p[i][j] =1;
        boolean u=false,d=false,r=false,l=false;
        if (i>0) u = finder(m,s-m[i][j],p,i-1,j);
        if (i<m.length-1) d = finder(m,s-m[i][j],p,i+1,j);
        if (j>0) l = finder(m,s-m[i][j],p,i,j-1);
        if (i<m.length-1) r = finder(m,s-m[i][j],p,i,j+1);
        if (u) return true;
        else if (d) return true;
        else if (r) return true;
        else if (l) return true;
        else {
            p[i][j] = 0;
            return false;