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fixed font size html canvas, how to make it change while zooming in/out

I've made a cartesian coordinates system before, with html canvas. A user helped me to add the zoom function using the mouse.

But I've got one problem. The font size of the axis numbers are fixed, so while zooming out, the font size is becoming smaller too.

I want a fixed font size but a changeable intervall between numbers.

so if you zoom in for example, you see the numbers on the x-axis 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

but once you zoom out it should be 0, 5, 10, 15

like geogebra

I need to make my own coordinate system and can't use applets or embeded codes for the project.

The codes what I've got till now

class ViewPort {
    constructor(canvas) {
      this.canvas = canvas

        * Point used to calculate the change of every point's position on
        * canvas after view port is zoomed and panned
        */ = this.basicCenter

      this.zoom = 1

      this.shouldPan = false
      this.prevZoomingPoint = null

    get canvasWidth() {
      return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().width

    get canvasHeight() {
      return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().height

    get canvasLeft() {
      return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().left

    get canvasTop() {
      return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().top

    get context() {
      return this.canvas.getContext('2d')

    get basicCenter() {
      const { canvasWidth, canvasHeight } = this

      const point = {
        x: canvasWidth / 2,
        y: canvasHeight / 2
      return point

    get basicWidth() {
      const width = this.canvasWidth
      return width

    get basicHeight() {
      const height = this.canvasHeight
      return height

    get width() {
      const { basicWidth, zoom } = this
      const width = basicWidth * zoom
      return width

    get height() {
      const { basicHeight, zoom } = this
      const height = basicHeight * zoom
      return height

    get movement() {
      const { width, height, basicWidth, basicHeight } = this
      const { x: cx, y: cy } =
      const { x: basicCX, y: basicCY } = this.basicCenter

      const deltaX = cx - basicCX - ((width - basicWidth) / 2)
      const deltaY = cy - basicCY - ((height - basicHeight) / 2)
      const res = {
        x: deltaX,
        y: deltaY

      return res

    get pan() {
      const { center, zoom, basicCenter } = this
      const res = {
        x: center.x - basicCenter.x,
        y: center.y - basicCenter.y
      return res

    zoomBy(center, deltaZoom) {
      const prevZoom = this.zoom

      this.zoom = this.zoom + deltaZoom = this.zoomPoint(center, this.zoom / prevZoom,

    zoomIn(point) {
      this.zoomBy(point, 0.1)

    zoomOut(point) {
      this.zoom > 0.25 && this.zoomBy(point, -0.1)

    zoomPoint(center, rate, point) {
      const { x: cx, y: cy } = center
      const { x, y } = point

      const deltaX = (x - cx) * rate
      const deltaY = (y - cy) * rate

      const newPoint = {
        x: cx + deltaX,
        y: cy + deltaY
      return newPoint

    panBy(deltaX, deltaY) {
      const { x: centerX, y: centerY } = = {
        x: centerX + deltaX,
        y: centerY + deltaY

    getDeltaPointToPrevPanningPoint(point) {
      const { x, y } = point
      const { x: prevX, y: prevY } = this.prevZoomingPoint

      const deltaPoint = {
        x: x - prevX,
        y: y - prevY
      return deltaPoint

    startPan(event) {
      const point = {
        x: event.x - this.canvasLeft,
        y: event.y - this.canvasTop,

      this.shouldPan = true

      this.prevZoomingPoint = point

    panning(event) {
      const point = {
        x: event.x - this.canvasLeft,
        y: event.y - this.canvasTop,

      const deltaX = this.getDeltaPointToPrevPanningPoint(point).x
      const deltaY = this.getDeltaPointToPrevPanningPoint(point).y

      this.prevZoomingPoint = point

      this.panBy(deltaX, deltaY)

    stopPan() {
      this.shouldPan = false

    transformToInitial(point) {
      const { x, y } = point
      const { movement, zoom } = this
      const res = {
        x: (x - movement.x) / zoom,
        y: (y - movement.y) / zoom
      return res

    transform(point) {
      const { x, y } = point
      const { movement, zoom } = this
      const res = {
        x: x * zoom + movement.x,
        y: y * zoom + movement.y
      return res

    clearCanvas() {
      this.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)

  class Interaction {
    }) {

      canvas.removeEventListener("mousewheel", mousewheelListener)
      canvas.addEventListener("mousewheel", mousewheelListener)

      canvas.removeEventListener("mousedown", mousedownListener)
      canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", mousedownListener)

      canvas.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveListener)
      canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveListener)

      canvas.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseupListener)
      canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseupListener)

      function mousewheelListener(event) {

        const point = {
          x: event.x - canvas.getBoundingClientRect().left,
          y: event.y - canvas.getBoundingClientRect().top,

        const { deltaX, deltaY } = event

        if (isDecreasing()) {

        if (isIncreasing()) {

        function isIncreasing() {
          const res = deltaX > 0 || deltaY > 0
          return res
        function isDecreasing() {
          const res = deltaX < 0 || deltaY < 0
          return res



      function mousedownListener(event) {

      function mousemoveListener(event) {
        viewPort.shouldPan && viewPort.panning(event)
        viewPort.shouldPan && render()

      function mouseupListener(event) {

  const canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas")
  const viewPort = new ViewPort(canvas)
  const interaction = new Interaction({ viewPort, canvas })

  function render() {
    const { abs, max } = Math
    const { zoom, movement, context: ctx, pan, center, basicCenter } = viewPort

    ctx.setTransform(zoom, 0, 0, zoom, movement.x, movement.y)

    // Original codes are rewrote
    const { canvasWidth, canvasHeight } = viewPort

    const interval = 20
    const basicWidth = canvasWidth
    const basicHeight = canvasHeight

    const potentialWidth = 2 * max(abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: 0, y: 0 }).x - basicCenter.x), abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: basicWidth, y: 0 }).x - basicCenter.x))
    const width = potentialWidth > basicWidth ? potentialWidth : basicWidth

    const potentialHeight = 2 * max(abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: 0, y: 0 }).y - basicCenter.y), abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: 0, y: basicHeight }).y - basicCenter.y))
    const height = potentialHeight > basicHeight ? potentialHeight : basicHeight


    function drawXAxis() {
      const path = new Path2D

      path.moveTo(basicCenter.x - width / 2, basicHeight / 2)
      path.lineTo(basicCenter.x + width / 2, basicHeight / 2)


    function drawYAxis() {
      const path = new Path2D
      path.moveTo(basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y - height / 2)
      path.lineTo(basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y + height / 2)


    function drawOriginCoordinate() {
      ctx.fillText(`O`, basicCenter.x + 5, basicCenter.y - 5)

    function drawXCoordinates() {
      for (let i = 1; i <= width / 2 / interval; i++) {
        total = i * interval
        ctx.fillText(` ${i} `, basicCenter.x + total, basicHeight / 2)

      for (let i = 1; i <= width / 2 / interval; i++) {
        total = i * interval
        ctx.fillText(` -${i} `, basicCenter.x - total, basicHeight / 2)

    function drawYCoordinates() {
      for (let i = 1; i <= height / 2 / interval; i++) {
        total = i * interval
        ctx.fillText(` ${i} `, basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y + total)

      for (let i = 1; i <= height / 2 / interval; i++) {
        total = i * interval
        ctx.fillText(` -${i} `, basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y - total)

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="300" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;"></canvas>


  • Font Size

    For font size, you want a font size that scales inversely to the zoom value of the canvas. Say:

    ctx.font = 12 / zoom + "px Arial";

    Where 12 is the font size when the scale (zoom) is 1. If you zoom in so everything is twice as stretched, (zoom = 2), the font size will be 6. As font size is a linear not areal measure so we don't need to square the zoom here.

    Updating Axes

    To update the numbers displayed so that they are scaled appropriately a few different approaches could be used.

    As a simple example, we could find out the order of magnitude of the zoom (or essentially how many digits it is or how many decimal spots it has) and scale the numbers shown based on this factor. For example, if the zoom is 10, then we would show axis numbers in 1/10 increments. If the zoom is 0.1, then we would show axis numbers in increments of 1/0.1 or 10.

    First let's find out the order of magnitude of the zoom:

    const orderMagnitude = Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(zoom) / Math.LN10));

    A zoom value of 1 (start value) produces an order of magnitude of 0. A zoom value of 10 produces an order of magnitude of 1.

    Now we can take that order of magnitude and convert into a round base 10 number:

    const every = 1 / Math.pow(10,orderMagnitude);

    Here we take an order of magnitude, such as 1 and convert it into 1/10, 1/10 will be the increment shown on the axes (you've already used the variable name increment, so I've called it every, as it represents an axis tick every so often). This spacing of ticks 1/10 of a unit apart is appropriate as an order of magnitude represents a 10x zoom.

    Now we need to apply this to a few spots in your code:

    const inverval = 20 * every;  // scale the interval to reflect the density of ticks

    And of course when you set up the axes, eg:

     for (let i = 1; i <= width / 2 / interval; i++) {
        total = i * interval
        ctx.fillText(` ${i*every} `, basicCenter.x + total, basicHeight / 2)

    Here's an example so far (zooming out shows this in action much faster):

    class ViewPort {
        constructor(canvas) {
          this.canvas = canvas
            * Point used to calculate the change of every point's position on
            * canvas after view port is zoomed and panned
 = this.basicCenter
          this.zoom = 1
          this.shouldPan = false
          this.prevZoomingPoint = null
        get canvasWidth() {
          return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().width
        get canvasHeight() {
          return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().height
        get canvasLeft() {
          return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().left
        get canvasTop() {
          return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().top
        get context() {
          return this.canvas.getContext('2d')
        get basicCenter() {
          const { canvasWidth, canvasHeight } = this
          const point = {
            x: canvasWidth / 2,
            y: canvasHeight / 2
          return point
        get basicWidth() {
          const width = this.canvasWidth
          return width
        get basicHeight() {
          const height = this.canvasHeight
          return height
        get width() {
          const { basicWidth, zoom } = this
          const width = basicWidth * zoom
          return width
        get height() {
          const { basicHeight, zoom } = this
          const height = basicHeight * zoom
          return height
        get movement() {
          const { width, height, basicWidth, basicHeight } = this
          const { x: cx, y: cy } =
          const { x: basicCX, y: basicCY } = this.basicCenter
          const deltaX = cx - basicCX - ((width - basicWidth) / 2)
          const deltaY = cy - basicCY - ((height - basicHeight) / 2)
          const res = {
            x: deltaX,
            y: deltaY
          return res
        get pan() {
          const { center, zoom, basicCenter } = this
          const res = {
            x: center.x - basicCenter.x,
            y: center.y - basicCenter.y
          return res
        zoomBy(center, deltaZoom) {
          const prevZoom = this.zoom
          this.zoom = this.zoom + deltaZoom
 = this.zoomPoint(center, this.zoom / prevZoom,
        zoomIn(point) {
          this.zoomBy(point, 0.1)
        zoomOut(point) {
          this.zoom > 0.25 && this.zoomBy(point, -0.1)
        zoomPoint(center, rate, point) {
          const { x: cx, y: cy } = center
          const { x, y } = point
          const deltaX = (x - cx) * rate
          const deltaY = (y - cy) * rate
          const newPoint = {
            x: cx + deltaX,
            y: cy + deltaY
          return newPoint
        panBy(deltaX, deltaY) {
          const { x: centerX, y: centerY } =
 = {
            x: centerX + deltaX,
            y: centerY + deltaY
        getDeltaPointToPrevPanningPoint(point) {
          const { x, y } = point
          const { x: prevX, y: prevY } = this.prevZoomingPoint
          const deltaPoint = {
            x: x - prevX,
            y: y - prevY
          return deltaPoint
        startPan(event) {
          const point = {
            x: event.x - this.canvasLeft,
            y: event.y - this.canvasTop,
          this.shouldPan = true
          this.prevZoomingPoint = point
        panning(event) {
          const point = {
            x: event.x - this.canvasLeft,
            y: event.y - this.canvasTop,
          const deltaX = this.getDeltaPointToPrevPanningPoint(point).x
          const deltaY = this.getDeltaPointToPrevPanningPoint(point).y
          this.prevZoomingPoint = point
          this.panBy(deltaX, deltaY)
        stopPan() {
          this.shouldPan = false
        transformToInitial(point) {
          const { x, y } = point
          const { movement, zoom } = this
          const res = {
            x: (x - movement.x) / zoom,
            y: (y - movement.y) / zoom
          return res
        transform(point) {
          const { x, y } = point
          const { movement, zoom } = this
          const res = {
            x: x * zoom + movement.x,
            y: y * zoom + movement.y
          return res
        clearCanvas() {
          this.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
      class Interaction {
        }) {
          canvas.removeEventListener("mousewheel", mousewheelListener)
          canvas.addEventListener("mousewheel", mousewheelListener)
          canvas.removeEventListener("mousedown", mousedownListener)
          canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", mousedownListener)
          canvas.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveListener)
          canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveListener)
          canvas.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseupListener)
          canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseupListener)
          function mousewheelListener(event) {
            const point = {
              x: event.x - canvas.getBoundingClientRect().left,
              y: event.y - canvas.getBoundingClientRect().top,
            const { deltaX, deltaY } = event
            if (isDecreasing()) {
            if (isIncreasing()) {
            function isIncreasing() {
              const res = deltaX > 0 || deltaY > 0
              return res
            function isDecreasing() {
              const res = deltaX < 0 || deltaY < 0
              return res
          function mousedownListener(event) {
          function mousemoveListener(event) {
            viewPort.shouldPan && viewPort.panning(event)
            viewPort.shouldPan && render()
          function mouseupListener(event) {
      const canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas")
      const viewPort = new ViewPort(canvas)
      const interaction = new Interaction({ viewPort, canvas })
      function render() {
        const { abs, max } = Math
        const { zoom, movement, context: ctx, pan, center, basicCenter } = viewPort
        ctx.setTransform(zoom, 0, 0, zoom, movement.x, movement.y)
    	// modify font based on zoom:
    	ctx.font = 12 / zoom + "px Arial";
    	// modify number interval based on zoom:
    	const orderMagnitude = Math.floor(Math.log(zoom) / Math.LN10);
    	const every = 1 / Math.pow(10,orderMagnitude);
        // Original codes are rewrote
        const { canvasWidth, canvasHeight } = viewPort
        const interval = 20 * every; 
        const basicWidth = canvasWidth
        const basicHeight = canvasHeight
        const potentialWidth = 2 * max(abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: 0, y: 0 }).x - basicCenter.x), abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: basicWidth, y: 0 }).x - basicCenter.x))
        const width = potentialWidth > basicWidth ? potentialWidth : basicWidth
        const potentialHeight = 2 * max(abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: 0, y: 0 }).y - basicCenter.y), abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: 0, y: basicHeight }).y - basicCenter.y))
        const height = potentialHeight > basicHeight ? potentialHeight : basicHeight
        function drawXAxis() {
          const path = new Path2D
          path.moveTo(basicCenter.x - width / 2, basicHeight / 2)
          path.lineTo(basicCenter.x + width / 2, basicHeight / 2)
        function drawYAxis() {
          const path = new Path2D
          path.moveTo(basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y - height / 2)
          path.lineTo(basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y + height / 2)
        function drawOriginCoordinate() {
          ctx.fillText(`O`, basicCenter.x + 5, basicCenter.y - 5)
        function drawXCoordinates() {
    	  for (let i = 1; i <= width / 2 / interval; i++) {
            total = i * interval
            ctx.fillText(` ${i*every} `, basicCenter.x + total, basicHeight / 2)
          for (let i = 1; i <= width / 2 / interval; i++) {
            total = i * interval
            ctx.fillText(` -${i*every} `, basicCenter.x - total, basicHeight / 2)
        function drawYCoordinates() {
          for (let i = 1; i <= height / 2 / interval; i++) {
            total = i * interval
            ctx.fillText(` ${i*every} `, basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y + total)
          for (let i = 1; i <= height / 2 / interval; i++) {
            total = i * interval
            ctx.fillText(` -${i*every} `, basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y - total)
    <canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="300" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;"></canvas>

    Refining the Axes

    This is ok, but the threshold for ticks at zoom = 1 isn't ideally placed. Perhaps we can modify the calculated order of magnitude a bit by offsetting the input value:

    const orderMagnitude = Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(zoom*1.5) / Math.LN10));

    This will produce a slightly better spaced threshold for different axes' ticks.

    Further Refinement

    Rather than having each tick next to the origin start at 1 x 10^n we could use 2 or 5 for intermediate values, as resetting the ticks only when the zoom scale changes by a factor of 10 isn't most ideal.

    One possible solution is that as a zoom scale factor increases relative to a given order of magnitude we decrease the interval between ticks (decrease every):

    // Modify how every often we want to show an axis tick:
    var every;
    if (zoom/Math.pow(10,orderMagnitude) > 4) {
        every = 1 / Math.pow(10,orderMagnitude) * 0.2;
    else if (zoom/Math.pow(10,orderMagnitude) > 2) {
        every = 1 / Math.pow(10,orderMagnitude) * 0.5;
    else {
        every = 1 / Math.pow(10,orderMagnitude);

    This gives us:

    class ViewPort {
        constructor(canvas) {
          this.canvas = canvas
            * Point used to calculate the change of every point's position on
            * canvas after view port is zoomed and panned
 = this.basicCenter
          this.zoom = 1
          this.shouldPan = false
          this.prevZoomingPoint = null
        get canvasWidth() {
          return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().width
        get canvasHeight() {
          return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().height
        get canvasLeft() {
          return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().left
        get canvasTop() {
          return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().top
        get context() {
          return this.canvas.getContext('2d')
        get basicCenter() {
          const { canvasWidth, canvasHeight } = this
          const point = {
            x: canvasWidth / 2,
            y: canvasHeight / 2
          return point
        get basicWidth() {
          const width = this.canvasWidth
          return width
        get basicHeight() {
          const height = this.canvasHeight
          return height
        get width() {
          const { basicWidth, zoom } = this
          const width = basicWidth * zoom
          return width
        get height() {
          const { basicHeight, zoom } = this
          const height = basicHeight * zoom
          return height
        get movement() {
          const { width, height, basicWidth, basicHeight } = this
          const { x: cx, y: cy } =
          const { x: basicCX, y: basicCY } = this.basicCenter
          const deltaX = cx - basicCX - ((width - basicWidth) / 2)
          const deltaY = cy - basicCY - ((height - basicHeight) / 2)
          const res = {
            x: deltaX,
            y: deltaY
          return res
        get pan() {
          const { center, zoom, basicCenter } = this
          const res = {
            x: center.x - basicCenter.x,
            y: center.y - basicCenter.y
          return res
        zoomBy(center, deltaZoom) {
          const prevZoom = this.zoom
          this.zoom = this.zoom + deltaZoom
 = this.zoomPoint(center, this.zoom / prevZoom,
        zoomIn(point) {
          this.zoomBy(point, 0.1)
        zoomOut(point) {
          this.zoom > 0.25 && this.zoomBy(point, -0.1)
        zoomPoint(center, rate, point) {
          const { x: cx, y: cy } = center
          const { x, y } = point
          const deltaX = (x - cx) * rate
          const deltaY = (y - cy) * rate
          const newPoint = {
            x: cx + deltaX,
            y: cy + deltaY
          return newPoint
        panBy(deltaX, deltaY) {
          const { x: centerX, y: centerY } =
 = {
            x: centerX + deltaX,
            y: centerY + deltaY
        getDeltaPointToPrevPanningPoint(point) {
          const { x, y } = point
          const { x: prevX, y: prevY } = this.prevZoomingPoint
          const deltaPoint = {
            x: x - prevX,
            y: y - prevY
          return deltaPoint
        startPan(event) {
          const point = {
            x: event.x - this.canvasLeft,
            y: event.y - this.canvasTop,
          this.shouldPan = true
          this.prevZoomingPoint = point
        panning(event) {
          const point = {
            x: event.x - this.canvasLeft,
            y: event.y - this.canvasTop,
          const deltaX = this.getDeltaPointToPrevPanningPoint(point).x
          const deltaY = this.getDeltaPointToPrevPanningPoint(point).y
          this.prevZoomingPoint = point
          this.panBy(deltaX, deltaY)
        stopPan() {
          this.shouldPan = false
        transformToInitial(point) {
          const { x, y } = point
          const { movement, zoom } = this
          const res = {
            x: (x - movement.x) / zoom,
            y: (y - movement.y) / zoom
          return res
        transform(point) {
          const { x, y } = point
          const { movement, zoom } = this
          const res = {
            x: x * zoom + movement.x,
            y: y * zoom + movement.y
          return res
        clearCanvas() {
          this.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
      class Interaction {
        }) {
          canvas.removeEventListener("mousewheel", mousewheelListener)
          canvas.addEventListener("mousewheel", mousewheelListener)
          canvas.removeEventListener("mousedown", mousedownListener)
          canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", mousedownListener)
          canvas.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveListener)
          canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveListener)
          canvas.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseupListener)
          canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseupListener)
          function mousewheelListener(event) {
            const point = {
              x: event.x - canvas.getBoundingClientRect().left,
              y: event.y - canvas.getBoundingClientRect().top,
            const { deltaX, deltaY } = event
            if (isDecreasing()) {
            if (isIncreasing()) {
            function isIncreasing() {
              const res = deltaX > 0 || deltaY > 0
              return res
            function isDecreasing() {
              const res = deltaX < 0 || deltaY < 0
              return res
          function mousedownListener(event) {
          function mousemoveListener(event) {
            viewPort.shouldPan && viewPort.panning(event)
            viewPort.shouldPan && render()
          function mouseupListener(event) {
      const canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas")
      const viewPort = new ViewPort(canvas)
      const interaction = new Interaction({ viewPort, canvas })
      function render() {
        const { abs, max } = Math
        const { zoom, movement, context: ctx, pan, center, basicCenter } = viewPort
        ctx.setTransform(zoom, 0, 0, zoom, movement.x, movement.y)
    	// modify font based on zoom:
    	ctx.font = 12 / zoom + "px Arial";
    	// modify number interval based on zoom:
    	const orderMagnitude = Math.floor(Math.log(zoom*1.5) / Math.LN10);
    	// Modify how every often we want to show an axis tick:
    	var every;
    	if (zoom/Math.pow(10,orderMagnitude) > 4) {
    		every = 1 / Math.pow(10,orderMagnitude) * 0.2;
    	else if (zoom/Math.pow(10,orderMagnitude) > 2) {
    		every = 1 / Math.pow(10,orderMagnitude) * 0.5;
    	else {
    		every = 1 / Math.pow(10,orderMagnitude);
        // Original codes are rewrote
        const { canvasWidth, canvasHeight } = viewPort
        const interval = 30 * every; 
        const basicWidth = canvasWidth
        const basicHeight = canvasHeight
        const potentialWidth = 2 * max(abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: 0, y: 0 }).x - basicCenter.x), abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: basicWidth, y: 0 }).x - basicCenter.x))
        const width = potentialWidth > basicWidth ? potentialWidth : basicWidth
        const potentialHeight = 2 * max(abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: 0, y: 0 }).y - basicCenter.y), abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: 0, y: basicHeight }).y - basicCenter.y))
        const height = potentialHeight > basicHeight ? potentialHeight : basicHeight
        function drawXAxis() {
          const path = new Path2D
          path.moveTo(basicCenter.x - width / 2, basicHeight / 2)
          path.lineTo(basicCenter.x + width / 2, basicHeight / 2)
        function drawYAxis() {
          const path = new Path2D
          path.moveTo(basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y - height / 2)
          path.lineTo(basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y + height / 2)
        function drawOriginCoordinate() {
          ctx.fillText(`O`, basicCenter.x + 5, basicCenter.y - 5)
        function drawXCoordinates() {
    	  for (let i = 1; i <= width / 2 / interval; i++) {
            total = i * interval
            ctx.fillText(` ${i*every} `, basicCenter.x + total, basicHeight / 2)
          for (let i = 1; i <= width / 2 / interval; i++) {
            total = i * interval
            ctx.fillText(` -${i*every} `, basicCenter.x - total, basicHeight / 2)
        function drawYCoordinates() {
          for (let i = 1; i <= height / 2 / interval; i++) {
            total = i * interval
            ctx.fillText(` ${i*every} `, basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y + total)
    	  for (let i = 1; i <= height / 2 / interval; i++) {
            total = i * interval
            ctx.fillText(` -${i*every} `, basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y - total)
    <canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="300" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;"></canvas>

    Further Refinements

    I haven't touched number formatting, but you can see some floating point issues when zooming in. Also, the axes' bars widths grow as we zoom in and shrink as we zoom out, this affects text positioning.