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TFS 2013: work item customization: need TreePath functionality for custom field

I am trying to customize a work item template and need to add a field which can capture hierarchical data.I am using TFS power tools to edit work items. I tried to create a new field with datatype as TreePath but when I save it, it throws an error: TF26179 – Field Type 'TreePath' can be used only with System.AreaPath & System.IterationPath

Is there any workaround to use the TreePath control for custom fields?


  • This should be duplicated with this thread : TFS 2013: Custom TreePath Fields.

    Just as the error message mentioned the Field Type 'TreePath' can be used only with System.AreaPath & System.IterationPath.

    So, Tree Path is not supported for other fields for now, and there is a user voice submitted to request the feature, you can vote it or submit a new user voice to suggest the feature.

    For custom control, you can reference the source code of the vsts-extension-color-control