My application for simplistic purposes has
modules each with create/update/view a model type
so that it may use them, resulting in each module containing UDFs that they don't use.application.o.items = new cfcs.items()
application.o.categories = new cfcs.categories()
The result is that each of the 10 modules is duplicating the entirety of functions.cfm
into each module.
I've re-engineered, turning functions into a component (it's named application._
, which is copied into variarables._
inside each module and calling the functions like _.myUDF()
which should be calling application._
by reference rather than recreating every function in the file for every component.
This should be the faster and lightest way to do this, shouldn't it? Can anyone suggest enhancements to this style, or give reasons why include
might be preferrable, beyond the need to recreate the component if I change add functions to the component functions.cfc
Your file functions.cfm
was included in your CFC files, so you can then call functionA()
within any of those CFCs.
If you convert to functions.cfc
and inject that object into your other CFCs, then you'll have to reference the functions
objects within your other CFC files:
<cfset functions.functionA()>
So that's a lot of code to refactor.
Seems like you should extend
your existing CFCs with functions.cfc
<cfcomponent extends="cfc.functions">
This makes your other components child objects of functions.cfc
, which therefore inherit the contents of functions.cfc
. Now, from within any child CFC, you can call functionA()
as you had when you included functions.cfm
If that's more in line with what you want and you want ALL of your CFCs to include these functions, you can pull a totally baller move and update your CF server's core component.cfc
from which all CFCs are extended. This file should be found in <CF_ROOT>\WEB-INF\cftags
. I've done this in the past to add additional "native" functions to ColdBox applicaitons. Just make sure you track those changes in source control.