I'm using the xlwings library for simple operations on some excel sheets. For some reason my shell does not allow me to read in the values of Excel datetime objects.
For example, calling the value in L2 (2nd row, 12th column) will crash my Python 3.7 shell, and restart it:
import xlwings as wing
mybook = wing.Book("some_sheet.xlsx")
mysheet = book.sheets['Sheet 1']
# the line of code that crashes my shell (picture of excel sheet included)
mysheet.range(2,12).value #row 2, column 12
I have tried converting values to text, but this gives weird 5-number strings (might be workable). I have tried looking for a solution elsewhere.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to work with these Excel datetime values in Python?
Downgrading to Python 3.6 fixed this for me.