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troubles generating signature for alibaba cloud

Reading the HTTP API docs. My requests fail though for bad signature. From error message I can see that my string to sign is correct but looks like I can't generate the correct HMAC-SHA1 (seriously why use SHA1 still??).

So I decided to try replicate the signature of the sample inside same document.

[47] pry(main)> to_sign = "GET&%2F&AccessKeyId%3Dtestid&Action%3DDescribeRegions&Format%3DXML&SignatureMethod%3DHMAC-SHA1&SignatureNonce%3D3ee8c1b8-83d3-44af-a94f-4e0ad82fd6cf&SignatureVersion%3D1.0&Timestamp%3D2016-02-23T12%253A46%253A24Z&Version%3D2014-05-26"

[48] pry(main)> Base64.encode64 OpenSSL::HMAC.digest("sha1", "testsecret", to_sign)
=> "MLAxpXej4jJ7TL0smgWpOgynR7s=\n"

[49] pry(main)> Base64.encode64 OpenSSL::HMAC.digest("sha1", "testsecret&", to_sign)
=> "VyBL52idtt+oImX0NZC+2ngk15Q=\n"

[50] pry(main)> Base64.encode64 OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest("sha1", "testsecret&", to_sign)

[51] pry(main)> Base64.encode64 OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest("sha1", "testsecret", to_sign)

[52] pry(main)> OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest("sha1", "testsecret&", to_sign)
=> "57204be7689db6dfa82265f43590beda7824d794"

[53] pry(main)> OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest("sha1", "testsecret", to_sign)
=> "30b031a577a3e2327b4cbd2c9a05a93a0ca747bb"

As evident none of these matches the example signature of CT9X0VtwR86fNWSnsc6v8YGOjuE=. Any idea what is missing here?

Update: taking tcpdump from the Golang client tool I see that it does a POST request like:

POST /?AccessKeyId=**********&Action=DescribeRegions&Format=JSON&RegionId=cn-qingdao&Signature=aHZVpIMb0%2BFKdoWSIVaFJ7bd2LA%3D&SignatureMethod=HMAC-SHA1&SignatureNonce=c29a0e28964c470a8997aebca4848b57&SignatureType=&SignatureVersion=1.0&Timestamp=2018-07-16T19%3A46%3A33Z&Version=2014-05-26 HTTP/1.1

    User-Agent: Aliyun-CLI-V3.0.3
    Content-Length: 0
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    x-sdk-client: golang/1.0.0
    x-sdk-core-version: 0.0.1
    x-sdk-invoke-type: common
    Accept-Encoding: gzip

When I take parameters from the above request and generate signature it does match. So I tried all tree: GET, POST with URL params and POST with params in body. Every time I am getting a signature error. If I redo the request with exact same params as the golang tool, I'm getting nonce already used error (as expected).


  • Finally got this working. The main issue in my case was that I have been double-percent-encoding the signature parameter thus it turned out invalid. What helped me most was running the aliyun cli utility and capturing traffic, then running a query with exactly the same parameters to compare the exact query string.

    But let me list some key points for me:

    1. once hmac-sha1 sig is generated, do not percent-encode it, just add it to the query with normal form www encoding
    2. order of parameters in the HTTP query is not significant; order of parameters in the signing string is significant though
    3. I find all the following types of requests to work: GET, POST with parameters in URL query, POST with parameters in request body form www encoded; I'm using GET per documentation but I see aliyun using POST vs query params and ordered params in the query
    4. you must add & character to the end of the secret key when generating HMAC-SHA1
    5. generate HMAC-SHA1 in binary form, then encode as Base64 (no hex values)
    6. some parameters might be case insensitive, e.g. Format works both as json and JSON
    7. I see aliyun, @wanghq and John using UUID 4 for SignatureNonce but I deferred to plain random (according to docs) because it seems to be only a replay attack protection. So cryptographically secure random number must unnecessary.
    8. The special encoding rules for +, * and ~ seem to only apply to string for signing, not actually to encode data in such a way in the HTTP query.

    I decided to not use @wanghq's wrapper as it didn't work for me as well disables certificate validation but maybe it's going to be fixed. Just I thought that queries are simple enough once signature is figured out and an additional layer of indirection is not worth it. +1 to his answer though as it was helpful to get my signature right.

    Here's example ruby code to make a simple request:

    require 'base64'
    require 'cgi'
    require 'openssl'
    require 'time'
    require 'rest-client'
    # perform a request against Alibaba Cloud API
    # @see
    def request(action:, params: {})
      api_url = ""
      # method = "POST"
      method = "GET"
      process_params!(http: method, action: action, params: params) method, url: api_url, headers: {params: params})
      # method, url: api_url, payload: params)
      # method, url: api_url, payload:{|k,v| "#{k}=#{CGI.escape(v)}"}.join("&"))
    # generates the required common params for a request and adds them to params
    # @return undefined
    # @see
    def process_params!(http:, action:, params:)
        "Action" => action,
        "AccessKeyId" => config[:auth][:key_id],
        "Format" => "JSON",
        "Version" => "2014-05-26",
        "Timestamp" =>
      sign!(http: http, action: action, params: params)
    # generate request signature and adds to params
    # @return undefined
    # @see
    def sign!(http:, action:, params:)
      params.delete "Signature"
      params["SignatureMethod"] = "HMAC-SHA1"
      params["SignatureVersion"] = "1.0"
      params["SignatureNonce"] = "#{rand(1_000_000_000_000)}"
      # params["SignatureNonce"] = SecureRandom.uuid.gsub("-", "")
      canonicalized_query_string = { |key, value|
        "#{key}=#{percent_encode value}"
      string_to_sign = %{#{http}&#{percent_encode("/")}&#{percent_encode(canonicalized_query_string)}}
      params["Signature"] = hmac_sha1(string_to_sign)
    # @param data [String]
    # @return [String]
    def hmac_sha1(data, secret: config[:auth][:key_secret])
      Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1', "#{secret}&", data)).strip
    # encode strings per Alibaba cloud rules for signing
    # @return [String] encoded string
    # @see
    def percent_encode(str)
      CGI.escape(str).gsub(?+, "%20").gsub(?*, "%2A").gsub("%7E", ?~)
    ## example call
    request(action: "DescribeRegions")

    Code can be simplified a little but decided to keep it very close to documentation instructions.

    P.S. not sure why John deleted his answer but leaving a link above to his web page for any python guys looking for example code