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How do I add a click event to trigger a JavaScript event in ClojureScript using Reagent Hiccup

I have just started using Reagent and am very new to Clojure.

I have created a mobile menu function and want the mobile hamburger menu to be clickable in order to show the actual menu. When clicked on again, the menu must hide. I have no idea how to do

(defn mobile-menu [primary-menu secondary-menu logo-el]
  [:div#logo logo-el]

     (let [menu (concat primary-menu secondary-menu)]
       (for [i menu]
         [:div.item {:key (:key i)}
          [:a.item {:id   (:key i)
                    :href (:target i)} (:name i)]]))
       {:style    {:cursor :pointer}
        :id       :logout
        :on-click #(re-frame/dispatch [:logout])} (str "Logout")]]]]]])])

The anchor needs to expand and hide the menu.


All I need is an example of how to make a JavaScript call on a JavaScript event and a little bit of help understanding it.

I found this snippet online but am unsure how it hooks up to anything. How does the .play element know what to do on-click?

(defn video-elem [src-url uid]
    [:video {:src src-url :id uid}]
        [:button {:on-click #(.play (.getElementById js/document uid))} "Play!"]
        [:button {:on-click #(.pause (.getElementById js/document uid))} "Pause!"]])


  • With the help of a colleague we added the following. I am not sure if I have explained this correctly though.

      (fn [db _]
        (assoc db :mobile-menu-visible (not (:mobile-menu-visible db)))))
    (re-frame/reg-sub :show-mobile-menu #(:mobile-menu-visible %))))
    (defn mobile-menu [primary-menu secondary-menu logo-el]
       [:div#logo logo-el]
        {:on-click #(re-frame/dispatch [:toggle-mobile-menu])}
       (let [show-menu (re-frame/subscribe [:show-mobile-menu])]
         (if @show-menu
              (let [menu (concat primary-menu secondary-menu)]
                (for [i menu]
                  [:div.item {:key (:key i)}
                   [:a.item {:id   (:key i)
                             :href (:target i)} (:name i)]]))
                {:style    {:cursor :pointer}
                 :id       :logout
                 :on-click #(re-frame/dispatch [:logout])} (str "Logout")]]]]]))])]])
    • The menu button click event dispatches a :toggle-mobile-menu re-frame/reg-event-db which toggles the visibility of the menu

    • The show_menu binding subscribes to the re-frame/reg-sub :show-menu-mobilewhich gets the:mobile-menu-visible` value from the db

    • The @show-menu value from the db is destructured to a truthy value indicating if the menu should be hidden or displayed.