Is there a quick and easy way to convert a JsObject, e.g.
"title" -> "Working Title",
"author" -> Json.obj(
"name" -> "Peter Trunes",
"location" -> Json.obj(
"birthplace" -> "Perth",
"nationality" -> "Australian",
into a format where the JsPath
is piped for all nested jsObjects
? e.g.
"title" -> "Working Title",
"" -> "Peter Trunes",
"author.location.birthplace" -> "Perth",
"author.location.nationality" -> "Australian",
I'm using transformers to manipulate the Json data structure using the coast to coast technique (as documented here) and am able to do this for author
for example like so:
def authorTrans: Reads[JsObject] =
(__ \ 'author).read[JsObject].flatMap(
_.fields.foldLeft((__ \ 'author).json.prune) {
case (acc, (k, v)) => acc andThen __.json.update(
Reads.of[JsObject].map(_ + (s"author.$k" -> v))
def tryTransformAsJsObj(obj: JsValue, transformer: Reads[JsObject]) = {
obj.transform(transformer) match {
case JsSuccess(r: JsObject, _) => r
case e: JsError => JsError.toJson(e)
tryTransformAsJsObj(jso, authorTrans) // jso is the JsObject structure to be transformed
I have played around with using a recursive method here to transform each nested JsObject
but I am struggling to get this to right and wonder if perhaps I am missing an easier technique. Thoughts & suggestions welcome!
Here is some recursive code for you, you should just extend the pattern match to cover all the cases, else you will get a warning:
import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, Json}
val original = Json.obj(
"title" -> "Working Title",
"author" -> Json.obj(
"name" -> "Peter Trunes",
"location" -> Json.obj(
"birthplace" -> "Perth",
"nationality" -> "Australian"
def transform(input: scala.collection.Map[String, JsValue], accum: JsObject,
curPath: String): JsObject = {
val result = input.foldLeft(accum) {
case (acc, (k, v)) =>
v match {
case JsString(str) => acc + (curPath + k -> Json.toJson(str))
case JsObject(kvs) =>
val newPath = if (curPath.isEmpty) s"$k." else s"$curPath$k."
transform(kvs, acc, newPath)
transform(original.value, Json.obj(), "")