I have this: $scope.products;
I set the value on it like this: $scope.products = plans;
where plans is the result I get back from a call.
If I debug, here, I have $scope
and $scope.products
in the debugger.
But then I do this from my .html
<span data-i18n="psngr.billing.pay.overview.total">
<label class="bold">
<span ng-bind-html="prices.currency"></span>
{{ roundPrice(products[0].price.val)}}
<span id="vat" ng-show="prices.currency_code === 'EUR'">
<span ng-bind-html="prices.currency"></span>
<span data-i18n="psngr.billing.vat"></span>
Basically calling the roundPrice
method from my .js
file, which does this:
$scope.roundPrice = function(price) {
if (!price) {
return 0;
// potentially round the price
if (price % 1 === 0) {
return price.toFixed(0);
return price.toFixed(2);
But here my scope is undefined, and also price, cause of this. Why?
After looking over the response that we get from the server, I understood better what the issue was: I was getting the price as a integer. so then of course price.val would get underfined. Which means it now works, after I changed the code to this: