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How to set date to sencha touch's date picker

I am trying to set the date to date picker but not able to set the date. bellow is my chunk of sencha touch code.

this.scheduledDatePicker = Ext.create('Ext.field.DatePicker', {
            //label: 'To',
            //labelAlign: 'right',
            //cls: 'form-block',
            value: new Date(),
            flex: 2.6,


and I am setting value after page load or get values from the database as using below code. I tried this many was as you can see commented code. but cant able to set this value.

var date= Ext.Date.format(Ext.Date.parse(this.rec.get('bookingDateTime'), "Y-m-d H:i:s"), "d/m/Y");
//var date= Ext.Date.parse(this.rec.get('bookingDateTime'));
//var date= this.rec.get('bookingDateTime');


can anyone tell me why my code is not working or any solution for this issue?


  • A datefield accepts a javascript date, however it seems you don't provide one.

    You should check what this.rec.get('bookingDateTime') returns, and how to modify that field in such a way that you get a javascript date.

    I expect that you already have a model, where you could specify that field to be of type date with a certain date format:

    Ext.define('MyModel', {
        fields: [{
            name: 'bookingDateTime',
            type: 'date',
            dateFormat: 'Y-m-d H:i:s' // specify format that is received from the server

    Then ExtJS will do the conversion for you and you could just use setValue without any parsing:


    If you don't have a model already, you can still read the string from bookingDateTime and parse it now and then and put it into the picker:

    var date= Ext.Date.parse(this.rec.get('bookingDateTime'), "Y-m-d H:i:s");
    console.log(date); // <- if date is null, format is not specified correctly.

    In both cases, console logging the interim result can help pinpoint down the issue: most of the time, the "parsed date" is null, because the format string does not match the date format received from the server.