As this doc suggests one can set a timeout when executing a SqlQuery by setting,
The doc for QueryCancelledException also mentions that the checked exception is thrown if a query was cancelled or timed out while executing,
The same is mentioned here as a way to cancel/timeout long running queries,
But strangely the java doc for all of the IgniteCache.query(..) methods, does not declare this checked exception or for that matter any checked exception as being thrown (same with QueryCursor.getAll() method) resulting in confusion on where & how to code the handling for query timeouts.
I coded the below but am unable to make the query to time out to test that part of my code path quickly & see if its correct. I am hoping the exception will be thrown both in IgniteCache.query(..) method and in QueryCursor.getAll() & its related methods.
Apparently the minimum timeout granularity for SqlQuery.setTimeout(int timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) is TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS which i realized during initial testing making it harder to force a timeout for testing.
Does the code below look right? (i want to avoid cursor methods & rely on IgniteCache.query(..) called inside the try-with-resources to detect timeout). Will this work?
@Scheduled(fixedDelayString = "${checkInterval}", initialDelayString = "${checkDelay}")
private final void monitorHealth() {
if(!isReady) {
try (QueryCursor<Entry<Integer, FabricInfo>> cursor = fabricInfoCache.query(SQL_QUERY)) {
// Reset the query time out counter..
if(retryCount != 0) {
retryCount = 0;
LOGGER.warn("Client health check query executed without getting timed out before the configured maximum number of timeout retries was reached. Reseting retryCount to zero.");
} catch (Exception e) {
if(e.getCause() instanceof QueryCancelledException) {
LOGGER.warn("Client health check query timed out for the {} time.", retryCount);
if(retryCount > QUERY_MAX_RETRIES_VALUE) {
// Query timed out the maximum number of times..
LOGGER.error("Client health check query timed out repeatedly for the maximum number of times configured : {}. Initating a disconnect-reconnect.", retryCount);
} else {
if (e.getCause() instanceof IgniteClientDisconnectedException) {
LOGGER.error("Client health check query failed due to client node getting disconnected from cluster. Initating a disconnect-reconnect.", e.getCause());
} else {
// Treat other failures like CacheStoppedException, etc same as IgniteClientDisconnectedException...
LOGGER.error("Client health check query failed. Initating a disconnect-reconnect.", e.getCause());
Thanks Muthu
QueryCancelledException is thrown from methods of QueryCursor, wrapped into IgniteException, which is a subclass of RuntimeException.
The query is not executed right after you call the IgniteCache#query(...) method. It only happens, when QueryCursor#iterator() method is called.
You can look, for example, at the following test in Ignite project, which checks, that query cancellation and timeouts are respected: IgniteCacheLocalQueryCancelOrTimeoutSelfTest.