Is there an easy way to create a new index from aggregated results from another index (And maybe merge em).
I have a large index with products that are similar. They have a product ID to identify which products belong together, but they have a different URL / Price and a different title (that I want to preserve somehow in the merge so I can search it).
So if I enter 8 product lines I would love to have it all roll up into 1 product with a nested array with similar product data.
I tried the rollup API with the job below. But I couldn't get that going the way I wanted and Im getting the feeling that that is only for historical / log data. All my data has the same timestamp
since I update all of this every morning.
PUT _xpack/rollup/job/product
"index_pattern": "products",
"rollup_index": "products_rollup",
"cron": "*/30 * * * * ?",
"page_size": 1000,
"groups": {
"date_histogram": {
"field": "timestamp",
"interval": "7d"
"terms": {
"fields": [
"metrics": [
"field": "total_price",
"metrics": [
For now the rollup API is mainly intended to rollup numerical data in time. Not to merge documents. In your case I would merge the documents on application level and get one document with the "subdocuments" in a nested object