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How to constrain a year field to 1-4?

There is a set of college students:

sig Student {}

Each student has an attribute indicating what year he/she is in college (first year, second year, etc.):

sig Student {
    year: Int

The value of year must be 1, 2, 3, or 4. Here is one way to constrain the year field:

sig Student {
    year: Int
} {
 year in {i: Int | i=1 or i=2 or i=3 or i=4}

Is there a better (simpler, more intuitive) way to constrain year?


  • -- Enumerate
    let YEARS = 1+2+3+4
    -- or Range
    let YEARS = { y : Int | y >= 1 and y <= 4 }
    sig Student { year: Int } {
      year in YEARS

    Or more concise

    sig Student { year: YEARS }