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Implication vs. Disjunction operators

I must have a misunderstanding somewhere. Here is a specification of everyone's favorite bank account/transfer system:

sig User {
  var balance: one Int

var one abstract sig Message {}

var lone sig TransferEvent extends Message {
  var from: User,
  var to: User,
  var amount: Int,

pred transfer[from: User, amt: Int, to: User] {
  /* preconditions: */
    0 <= amt
    amt <= balance[from]
    from != to
  /* postconditions: */
    balance'[from] = minus[balance[from], amt]
    balance'[to] = plus[balance[to], amt]
    all k: User |
      (k != from and k != to) implies balance'[k] = balance[k]


pred init {
  all u: User | balance[u] >= 0

// A step is either a transfer or a 'stuttering' step
pred step {
    some TransferEvent
    transfer[Message.from, Message.amount,]
  } or
    no Message and balance = balance'

// The behaviors are those that are reachable from states satisfying
// init via infinitely many "step" steps
pred spec {
  always step

run spec for 3 but exactly 3 User, exactly 3 steps, 3 int

fun total: Int {
  sum u: User | balance[u]

assert Constant {
  (not spec) or (always (total' = total)) // no counterexample if we execute 'check Constant'
  // (spec) => (always (total' = total)) // finds a counterexample

check Constant for 3 int

At the bottom I have a property I expect to hold of the model: basically, the traces specified by spec should be a subset of the traces where the total is constant. If I write this using implication (spec implies always P), then I get a counterexample when executing check Constant. However, if I write (not spec) or (always P) (which I thought should be equivalent), then alloy does not find a counterexample.

I'm thinking there's some obvious misunderstanding or glaring error in my spec, but I just can't seem to figure it out.

I have 'prevent overflows' set to 'yes'.


  • This is probably a bug in the evaluator. This is the only counterexample I get:


    In the REPL, though,[1] = -4, not -2. Alloy's handling of integer's has always been a little bit wonky, so my instincts are that's cropping up here. If you change "prevent overflows" to "no", the counterexample disappears.

    As for the specific question you asked, P => Q is the same as (not P) or (Q), excepting (as in this case) a bug.