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Java - Distributed Programming, RMI?

I've got a doozy of a problem here. I'm aiming to build a framework to allow for the integration of different traffic simulation models. This integration is based upon the sharing of link connectivities, link costs, and vehicles between simulations.

To make a distributed simulation, I plan to have a 'coordinator' (star topology). All participating simulations simply register with it, and talk only to the coordinator. The coordinator then coordinates the execution of various tasks between each simulation.

A quick example of a distribution problem, is when one simulation is 'in charge' of certain objects, like a road. And another is 'in charge' of other roads. However, these roads are interconnected (and hence, we need synchronisation between these simulations, and need to be able to exchange data / invoke methods remotely).

I've had a look at RMI and am thinking it may be suited for this task. (To abstract out having to create an over-wire signalling discipline).

Is this sane? The issue here, is that simulation participants need to centralize some of their data storage in the 'coordinator' to ensure explicit synchronisation between simulations. Furthermore, some simulations may require components or methods from other simulations. (Hence the idea of using RMI).

My basic approach is to have the 'coordinator' run a giant RMI registry. And every simulation simply looks up everything in the registry, ensuring that the correct objects are used at each step.

Anyone have any tips for heading down this path?


  • You may want to check out Hazelcast also. Hazelcast is an open source transactional, distributed/partitioned implementation of queue, topic, map, set, list, lock and executor service. It is super easy to work with; just add hazelcast.jar into your classpath and start coding. Almost no configuration is required.

    If you are interested in executing your Runnable, Callable tasks in a distributed fashion, then please check out Distributed Executor Service documentation at

    Hazelcast is released under Apache license and enterprise grade support is also available.