I am new to re-frame and not quite sure how to build a user authentication/authorization system with it.
From what I gathered I should create an auth interceptor
and place my auth logic inside :before
section then inject the interceptor into every events reg-event-db
and reg-event-fx
that I want to protect.
Am I on the right track?
Not sure if my solution is particularly idiomatic, but I used something like the following in one of my projects. Consider it a Works For Me.
Create a map for the ajax request with a special value for error cases (ignore the context-uri
(defn xhrio-map [method path format success-event]
{:method method
:uri (context-uri path)
:timeout 5000
:response-format format
:on-success [success-event]
:on-failure [::ajax-failure]})
Then I use an fx handler for the failure (this is a bit more complicated as it also handles a loading indicator):
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ http-result]]
(if (= 403 (:status http-result))
{:db (assoc db :loading-indicator nil)
:dispatch [::logout]}
{:db (assoc db :loading-indicator nil)
[::error-msg (str "Error fetching from " (:uri http-result)
": " (:response http-result))]})))
The ::logout
events sets the document location. This also triggers the logout in the backend.
(fn [coefx [ev]]
{::location "./logout"}))
Finally, the loading of resources works like this:
(defn load-with-indicator [db xhrio-data]
{:db (assoc db :loading-indicator true)
:http-xhrio xhrio-data})
(fn [{:keys [db]} _]
(xhrio-map :get "documentation/"
(ajax/json-response-format {:keywords? true})
The :received-documentation
is handled by some code which invokes the correct display functions.
This uses the day8.re-frame/http-fx and ajax.core
On the backend, I use something similar to the demo code I published over at https://github.com/ska2342/ring-routes-demo.
Hope that helps.
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