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Quartus 18 IP Error

I am currently trying to use Quartus 18.0 IP Catalog suggestions to import a UART RS-232 block to set up this serial interface. I have set the clock domain and the output pin (using datasheet to DE0-CV board) but when I try to finish the UART setup by pressing "Generate HDL..." I get this error:

Error: rs232_0: The input clock frequency must be known at generation time.

How can I tell Quartus my clock frequency so that it could generate my UART module without errors?


  • You need to specify a clock source for the UART component you want to create.

    This can be done as follow:

    • In your IP Parameter editor go under Edit > Add...
    • In the Add instance windows, search for Clock and select "Clock Source" under "Clocks; PLLs and Resets"
    • Add the Clock and update the default frequency and clock Finish
    • Go to View > Connections in IP Parameter editor
    • Tick the boxes to connect the clocks together
    • Generate and finish should stop giving you an error.

    Qsys (under Tools > Platform Designer) maybe easier for the connections, maybe you can also have a look at it.