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Accept everything in java if condition

today I wrote a programm that automaticaly checks if an Netflix account is working or not. But I'm struggling at a point where I need to accept all the country codes in the URL. I wanted to use something like * in linux but my IDE is giving me Errors. What is the Solution and are there better ways?



    WebUI.setText(findTestObject('/Page_Netflix/input_email'), '')

    WebUI.setText(findTestObject('/Page_Netflix/input_password'), '1234')'/Page_Netflix/button_Sign In'))


    if (WebUI.getUrl() == "" + * + "-" + * + "/login") {



  • So this is your attempt:

    if (WebUI.getUrl() == "" + * + "-" + * + "/login") {

    which fails, as you can't just use * like that (in addition to using ==, which isn't what you should do when using java). But I think this is what you want:

    if (WebUI.getUrl().matches("https://www\\.netflix\\.com/.+-.+/login")) {
      // do whatever

    which would match in whatever country you are in: any url like If within the if statement you need to use the country information, you'll might want a matcher:

    import java.util.regex.*;
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("https://www\\.netflix\\.com/(.+)-(.+)/login");
    Matcher m = p.matcher(WebUI.getUrl());
    if (m.matches()) {
       String country =;
       String language =;
       // do whatever

    Note that we're using java here, as you have the question tagged like that. Katalon is able to use also javascript and groovy, which you've also used in your single-quote strings and leaving out semicolons. In groovy, == for string comparison is ok, and it can also use shorthands for regular expressions.