How could I read the last few chars of a file with the most disk efficiency?
Here is a method for reading the last N characters from a UTF-8 encoded text file.
* Reads last {@code length} characters from UTF-8 encoded text file.
* <p>
* The returned string may be shorter than requested if file is too
* short, if the leading character is a half surrogate-pair, or if
* file has invalid UTF-8 byte sequences.
* @param fileName Name of text file to read.
* @param length Length of string to return.
* @return String with up to {@code length} characters.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
public static String readLastChars(String fileName, int length) throws IOException {
// A char can only store characters in the Basic Multilingual Plane, which are
// encoded using up to 3 bytes each. A character from a Supplemental Plane is
// encoded using 4 bytes, and is stored in Java as a surrogate pair, ie. 2 chars.
// Worst case (assuming valid UTF-8) is that file ends with a 4-byte sequence
// followed by length-1 3-byte sequences, so we need to read that many bytes.
byte[] buf;
try (RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r")) {
int bytesToRead = length * 3 + 1;
buf = new byte[bytesToRead <= file.length() ? bytesToRead : (int) file.length()]; - buf.length);
// Scan bytes backwards past 'length' characters
int start = buf.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length && start > 0; i++) {
if (buf[--start] < 0) { // not ASCII
// Locate start of UTF-8 byte sequence (at most 4 bytes)
int minStart = (start > 3 ? start - 3 : 0);
while (start > minStart && (buf[start] & 0xC0) == 0x80)
start--; // Skip UTF-8 continuation byte
if (start == minStart)
i++; // 4-byte UTF-8 -> 2 surrogate chars
// Create string from bytes, and skip first character if too long
// (text starts with surrogate pair, assuming valid UTF-8)
String text = new String(buf, start, buf.length - start, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
while (text.length() > length)
text = text.substring(text.offsetByCodePoints(0, 1));
return text;