I'd like to format a phoneNumber like 2133734253
with a given country code (like "US"
) to national format using the libphonenumber library.
What I've found in the docs is something like:
Because I'm not using node.js
or something else I'm just linking the js-file from https://unpkg.com/libphonenumber-js/bundle/libphonenumber-js.min.js.
Using the new libphonenumber.formatNumber()
-call does not seems to work because it is return a object with absolutely no content every time. How can I fix this? How to use formatNumber()
the right way?
let phonenumber = new libphonenumber.formatNumber({
country: 'US',
phone: '2133734253'
}, 'National');
console.log(phonenumber) // should be (213) 373-4253
<script src="https://unpkg.com/libphonenumber-js/bundle/libphonenumber-js.min.js"></script>
According to the docs, libphonenumber is not a constructor, it just provides functions, hence remove the new
keyword :
let phonenumber = libphonenumber.formatNumber({
country: 'US',
phone: '2133734253'
}, 'National');
console.log(phonenumber) // should be (213) 373-4253
<script src="https://unpkg.com/libphonenumber-js/bundle/libphonenumber-js.min.js"></script>