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How to change Color from Slider on Xamarin Mac Platform?

The default color from a Slider on Xamarin Mac project is blue, I want to change it to green, So I have made a Custom Renderer, but unfortunately, I don't what to do inside the custom renderer, How can I change the color?

using CustomSliderColor.MacOS;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.MacOS;

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomSlider), typeof(CustomSliderRenderer))]
namespace CustomSliderColor.MacOS
    public class CustomSliderRenderer : SliderRenderer
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Slider> e)

            if (Control != null)
                //What do I put here?????


  • I found an answer to my own question.

    First subclass the "NSSliderCell" class, here an example:

    using System;
    using AppKit;
    using CoreGraphics;
    using Foundation;
    namespace myproject.MacOs
        public class CustomSliderCell : NSSliderCell 
            public override void DrawBar(CGRect aRect, Boolean flipped)
                CGRect rect = aRect;
                rect.Size = new CGSize(rect.Size.Width, 5);
                float barRadius = 2.5f;
                double value = (double)((this.DoubleValue - this.MinValue) / (this.MaxValue - this.MinValue));
                float finalWidth = (float)(value * (this.ControlView.Frame.Size.Width - 8));
                CGRect leftRect = rect;
                leftRect.Size = new CGSize(finalWidth, leftRect.Size.Height);
                NSBezierPath bg = new NSBezierPath();
                bg.AppendPathWithRoundedRect(rect, barRadius, barRadius);
                NSColor.FromRgb(0, 160, 0).SetFill();
                NSBezierPath active = new NSBezierPath();
                active.AppendPathWithRoundedRect(leftRect, barRadius, barRadius);

    Then in your customSlider renderer on Mac

    using AppKit;
    using CustomSliderColor.MacOS;
    using Xamarin.Forms;
    using myproject;
    using myproject.MacOs;
    using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.MacOS;
    [assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomSlider), typeof(CustomSliderRenderer))]
    namespace CustomSliderColor.MacOS
        public class CustomSliderRenderer : SliderRenderer
            protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Slider> e)
                if (Control == null)
                    NSSlider customNSSlider = new NSSlider();
                    CustomSliderCell custom = new CustomSliderCell();
                    customNSSlider.Cell = custom;

    And then you have it!!!

    enter image description here