I've applied the mutationobserver to determine a class inclusion within an element (.wq_singleResultWrapper) and as such add another class to a different element (#prizeentry)
The code i'm working with is essentially a "personality" quiz with 4 results at the end. Each within a wrapper (.wq_singleResultWrapper).
IF the result is the first result the jquery is processed fine. However will not function if any of the other results show.
var $div = document.getElementsByClassName(
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if (mutation.attributeName === "class") {
var attributeValue = $(mutation.target).prop(mutation.attributeName);
observer.observe($div[0], {
attributes: true
So below is the following expected result: as you can see a class inclusion on the second div would trigger the addClass in the below div (as previously stated this would only work if the first div has the class inclusion.
<div class="wq_singleResultWrapper"></div>
<div class="wq_singleResultWrapper result"></div>
<div class="wq_singleResultWrapper"></div>
<div class="wq_singleResultWrapper"></div>
<div id="prizeentry" class="visable"></div>
see following example https://jsfiddle.net/2d8hb3n0/23/
I am using the mutationobserver as i do not have access to the jquery thats adding the class inclusion.
The first result works because only $div[0]
is observed. $div contains all results so iterate $div should work.
Array.from($div).forEach((div) => {
observer.observe(div, {
attributes: true,
subtree: true,
childList: true