I have an TabPane FXML file, and when you press a button, it adds a new tab which gets it's content from a different fxml file. How do I bind the width of the tab to the width of the tab pane?
private void makeNewTab(ActionEvent event) {
int totalTabs = selectTab.getTabs().size() - 1; // this is the TabPane
Tab newTab = new Tab();
newTab.setText("New tab" + totalTabs);
catch(IOException e){
System.out.println("Failed to Load 'NewTabSceneFXML.fxml'. Unknown Error.");
This as it is adds the tab fine, but it doesn't fit it to the width, which is what I need.
Edit 1:
Here is an example from scratch, it might be because i'm using scene building, but I don't know. Setting the size of everything to computed size isn't what I need. What I need is to find out how to bind a sub-fxml file's node to it's parent fxml file's node. So when I resize the screen everything gets resized, but it doesn't seem possible in Scene Builder.
Does not bind, the stage is too small
When I expand the screen, more of the subtab is revealed
Primary FXML:
<TabPane fx:id="mainTab" prefHeight="453.0" prefWidth="499.0" tabClosingPolicy="UNAVAILABLE" xmlns="http://javafx.com/javafx/10.0.1" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml/1" fx:controller="testtabs.FXMLDocumentController">
<Tab fx:id="ranTab" text="Untitled Tab 1">
<Button fx:id="button" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#handleButtonAction" prefHeight="100.0" prefWidth="115.0" text="Button" />
Secondary FXML:
<AnchorPane id="AnchorPane" prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="600.0" xmlns="http://javafx.com/javafx/10.0.1" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml/1" fx:controller="testtabs.FXMLTab2Controller">
<TabPane prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="600.0" tabClosingPolicy="UNAVAILABLE">
<Tab text="Untitled Tab 1">
<HBox prefHeight="100.0" prefWidth="200.0">
<SplitPane prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" />
<ScrollPane prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0">
<AnchorPane minHeight="0.0" minWidth="0.0" prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" />
<ScrollPane prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" />
<Tab text="Untitled Tab 2" />
The issue is the secondary fxml:
Without specifying the anchors for children, AnchorPane
just behaves like a Pane
, i.e. the children are resized to their preferred size and keep this size regardless of the AnchorPane
To change this behavior, specify those constraints on the TabPane
in the secondary fxml:
<TabPane prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="600.0" tabClosingPolicy="UNAVAILABLE" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="0">
Or simpler use <TabPane>
as root element of the fxml:
<TabPane prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="600.0" tabClosingPolicy="UNAVAILABLE" xmlns="http://javafx.com/javafx/10.0.1" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml/1" fx:controller="testtabs.FXMLTab2Controller">
Note: The HBox
used as content of this TabPane
won't resize the children to greater widths than the preferred widths, since you didn't use hgrow
properties other than the default value (NEVER
). You could also fix this to e.g. always grow the ScrollPane
like this:
<HBox prefHeight="100.0" prefWidth="200.0">
<SplitPane prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" />
<ScrollPane prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" HBox.hgrow="ALWAYS">
<AnchorPane minHeight="0.0" minWidth="0.0" prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" />
<ScrollPane prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" />