I've got this most horrible scenario in where i want to read the files that kinesis firehose creates on our S3.
Kinesis firehose creates files that don't have every json object on a new line, but simply a json object concatenated file.
{"param1":"value1","param2":numericvalue2,"param3":"nested {bracket}"}{"param1":"value1","param2":numericvalue2,"param3":"nested {bracket}"}{"param1":"value1","param2":numericvalue2,"param3":"nested {bracket}"}
Now is this a scenario not supported by normal JSON.parse and i have tried working with following regex: .scan(/({((\".?\":.?)*?)})/)
But the scan only works in scenario's without nested brackets it seems.
Does anybody know an working/better/more elegant way to solve this problem?
The one in the initial anwser is for unquoted jsons which happens some times. this one:
Works for quoted jsons and unquoted jsons
Besides this improved it a bit, to keep it simpler.. as you can have integer and normal values.. anything within string literals will be ignored due too the double capturing group.