imagine I have an object
teaherList = [
now how do i find the frequency of each [teacherID:,teacherName:], in the object teaherList
currently how I am doing is,
let temp = []
_.each(teaherList, function(k){
let count1 = countBy(temp);
well it is giving the frequency of the occurrence of the teachers in the object but is there a better and performant way to do this task
Assuming teaherList
is meant to be an array of objects, here's a method that doesn't require depending on a library, and also creates the output object in one go (total iterations = length of array), with reduce
const teaherList = [
teaherList.reduce((a, { teacherName }) => (
Object.assign(a, { [teacherName]: (a[teacherName] || 0) + 1 })
), {})