The JavaEE app with JPA and JSF is having a Bill Entity which is sub classed to BilledBill, CancelledBill and RefundBill. I use EclipseLink as persistance provider. I want to write a query which groups the sum of totals by the type of the class. I tired, but failed. Is that possible?
The relevant constructor is as below.
public BillSummery(PaymentMethod paymentMethod, Class billClass, Double total, Double discount, Double netTotal, Double tax, Long count, BillType billType) {
this.paymentMethod = paymentMethod; = total; = discount;
this.netTotal = netTotal; = tax;
this.count = count;
this.billType = billType;
this.BillClass = billClass;
The JPQL is as below
String j = "select new, type(b), sum(, sum(, sum(b.netTotal), sum(b.vat), count(b), b.billType) "
+ " from Bill b "
+ " where b.retired=false "
+ " and b.billTime between :fd and :td "
+ " group by b.paymentMethod, type(b), b.billType";
Which inheritance strategy are you using?
If it involves a discriminator column, you can always map it as a regular column, just like any other property. It will then be available for use in queries.
@Inheritance(strategy = JOINED)
@DiscriminatorColumn(name = "dtype")
public abstract class Bill {
@Column(name = "dtype", insertable=false, updatable=false)
private String type;
That being said, I'd seriously consider flattening the inheritance structure. It sounds as though a Bill
could turn into a BilledBill
or CancelledBill
, so perhaps it would be sufficient for Bill
to have a status
property instead?