I have build so far a jquery function that stick html element to the top of the page when scrolling but destroy on scroll event is not working. I know that i should store the function for scroll event in variable but i dont know how to destroy it later. Can someone help me? This is my code so far:
(function ( $ ) {
$.fn.sticky = function(data) {
var settings = $.extend({
parent: null,
offsetTop: 0,
offsetBottom: 0,
fixBottom: true,
destroy: false
}, data );
this.each(function() {
var elm = $(this),
parent = $(settings.parent);
if(settings.parent === null) {
parent = elm.parent();
var elmTop = elm.offset().top,
elmLeft = elm.offset().left,
elmWidth = elm.width(),
elmHeight = elm.height(),
parentTop = parent.offset().top,
parentHeight = parent.outerHeight(true),
offs = elmTop - settings.offsetTop,
margin_top = elmTop - parentTop,
margin_bottom = parentHeight - elmHeight - margin_top,
diff = parentHeight - elmHeight + parentTop - settings.offsetTop - settings.offsetBottom;
var sticky_elm = function() {
var w_top = $(window).scrollTop();
if(w_top > offs && w_top < diff) {
elm.attr("style", "position: fixed; top: "+settings.offsetTop+"px; left: "+elmLeft+"px; margin-left: 0;");
if(!elm.next('[data-sticket-controller]').length) {
elm.after('<div data-sticket-controller style="visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; position: relative; width: '+elmWidth+'px; height: '+elmHeight+'px;"></div>');
else if(w_top >= diff) {
if(settings.fixBottom) {
elm.attr("style", "position: absolute; bottom: "+settings.offsetBottom+"px; left: "+elmLeft+"px; margin-left: 0;");
else {
if(settings.destroy) {
$(document).off("scroll", sticky_elm);
else {
$(document).on("scroll", sticky_elm);
}( jQuery ));
An event namespace would be useful in this case since the event listener is on the $(document)
itself, so I have updated the fiddle with event namespace and a unique identifier for each sticky element so that we can turn off the event listener at any time later as long as we have the sticky element ID.