I am trying to change the colour of the textbox in a userform based on the value in the textbox compared to the cell value in C10, i.e if textbox value is 9 and cell value is 10 the colour is green
the below code make the textbox the same colour regardless of values entered
Private Sub TextBox16_Change()
If ActiveSheet.Range("C10").Value > TextBox16.Value Then
Me.TextBox16.ForeColor = &H8000000D
Me.TextBox16.BackColor = &HFF&
Me.TextBox16.ForeColor = &HFF&
Me.TextBox16.BackColor = &H8000000D
End If
End Sub
Try this
If ActiveSheet.Range("C10").Value > CLng(TextBox16.Value) Then
But you'll need to add some error handling because when textbox gets empty, or some other value than number you'll end up with 'type mismath' error.