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How to minify a source file (Javascript) into a minify file using uglifyjs-webpack

I want to minify my files using uglifyjs-webpack.

For example I have a source file core/js/test and want to minify it and send it to min/js/test.

Just using a source and respective output, how do I use it with webpack.


  • I often just use the optimization: {minimize: true} option (see this) since webpack 4.

    const path = require("path"); 
    module.exports = {
      context: __dirname,
      entry: "/origin/main.js",
      output: {
          path: path.resolve("./min/js/"),
          filename: "test.js"
      optimization: {
        minimize: false

    However, webpack still allows you to override the default implementation using the UglifyjsWebpackPlugin. I'd advise you to have a look at the docs in here, they seem to explain it quite alright.