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SOAP error when connecting to NetSuite web services: "Namespace prefix ' soapenv' not defined"

I am getting the following error when connecting to a NetSuite production account, through the Suitetalk API:

enter image description here

I don't have problems connecting to the Sandbox account for this client. I am connecting through a C# WCF project. I don't believe the problem is with the c# project, since this code is being used in Production with many other clients.

It seems to me like the SOAP message being returned is incorrectly formatted - there seems to be a line break before the 'soapenv' element in the SOAP message. I am getting this error when creating a "get" request against the API(using passport login). This error occurs on any API call though, I did try simply logging in through the API as well.

I have double checked the login details and account information for this client and everything seems in orders. Besides, if this information is incorrect, I should be getting authentication errors - not malformed SOAP messages.

Any help will be appreciated, thanks!


  • It turns out that I needed to use the webservices.na3.netsuite WSDL. I was under the impression that the regular "webservices.netsuite" WSDL would direct any requests to the correct server.

    So when connecting to a NetSuite account through SuiteTalk, be sure to make use of the correct WSDL and specify the correct endpoint along with your login credentials. You can check which server your account is hosted on by looking at the URL when logged into your NetSuite account.


    I made use of the newest 'DataCenterAwareNetSuiteService' class to dynamically get the correct data center for the current account that I am trying to connect to:

    class DataCenterAwareNetSuiteService : NetSuiteService
        private System.Uri OriginalUri;
        public DataCenterAwareNetSuiteService(string account, bool doNotSetUrl)
            : base()
            OriginalUri = new System.Uri(this.Url);
            if (account == null || account.Length == 0)
                account = "empty";
            if (!doNotSetUrl)
                //var temp = getDataCenterUrls(account);
                DataCenterUrls urls = getDataCenterUrls(account).dataCenterUrls;
                Uri dataCenterUri = new Uri(urls.webservicesDomain + OriginalUri.PathAndQuery);
                this.Url = dataCenterUri.ToString();
        public void SetAccount(string account)
            if (account == null || account.Length == 0)
                account = "empty";
            this.Url = OriginalUri.AbsoluteUri;
            DataCenterUrls urls = getDataCenterUrls(account).dataCenterUrls;
            Uri dataCenterUri = new Uri(urls.webservicesDomain + OriginalUri.PathAndQuery);
            this.Url = dataCenterUri.ToString();

    The above is called like so:

    new DataCenterAwareNetSuiteService("*account number*", false);