I am working with anonymous functions and functional interfaces, I have one functional interface that takes two objects of same type and returns true or false.
package elementutils;
public interface TwoElementPredicate <T> {
public boolean compare(T a, T b);
I use the functional interface in another class to get the "better element" using anonymous functions, the method betterElement takes two objects and the instance of the functional interface. Then i should be able to create lambdas to compare two objects of the same type in the main.
package elementutils;
public class ElementUtils <T> {
public T betterElement(T a, T b, TwoElementPredicate elements){
if (elements.compare(a, b) == true) {
return a;
}else {
return b;
public static void main(String[] args) {
//String x= ElementUtils.betterElement("java", "python", (a, b) -> a.length() < b.length());
//int y= ElementUtils.betterElement(2, 3, (a, b) -> a > b);
//double z= ElementUtils.betterElement(2.5, 3.7, (a, b) -> a > b);
// all this give errors
The functions should take any object as long as they are from the same type. I thought I could achieve that using generic classes but when I instantiate the lambdas it seems that the elements are always of type object so I cannot use length() and cannot assigne them to a String for example.
I hope I explained myself correctly, any help will be highly appreciated.
You are missing the type parameter T
on TwoElementPredicate
and hence you are using a raw type
You need to declare the parameter elements
as of type TwoElementPredicate<T>