Is there a tactic similar to intros
to prove a boolean implication such as
f : nat -> bool
g : nat -> bool
Lemma f_implies_g : forall n : nat, eq_true(implb (f n) (g n)).
This tactic would pull eq_true(f n)
into the context and require to prove eq_true(g n)
Let me suggest to use SSReflect in this case. Because it already has the machinery you need. It does not use eq_true
to embed bool
into Prop
, but rather is_true
, which is an alternate way to do it.
From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.
Variables f g : nat -> bool.
Lemma f_implies_g n : (f n) ==> (g n).
apply/implyP => Hfn.
The snippet above does what you want, implicitly coercing f n
and g n
into Prop
. Having executed the snippet you see this
n : nat
Hfn : f n
g n
but Set Printing Coercions.
reveals that it's really
n : nat
Hfn : is_true (f n)
is_true (g n)
that you have.