I use MyBatis 3.4.5 and Spring 4.1.6. I have checked abstract class GenericException (extends Exception) and CustomException (extends GenericException). I set default rollback for GenericException in tx:
<tx:advice id="txSetRollBackForCoreExceptionsAdvice" transaction-manager="transactionManager">
<tx:method name="*" rollback-for="RuntimeException,xxx.exceptions.GenericException"/>
Method in Service1:
public Long push(TimerState timerState) {
try {
return timerStatePushService.pushEvent(timerState);
}catch (Exception e) {
throw new TimerException(e.getMessage());
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public class TimerStatePushServiceBean implements TimerStatePushService {
PushService pushService;
public Long pushEvent(TimerState timerState) throws GenericException {
return pushService.pushEventById(timerState.getId());
If pushService throws CustomException (which extends GenericException), i catch UnexpectedRollbackException in Service1. And in trace log i see:
12:42:48.677 TRACE {pool-15-thread-1} [o.s.t.i.RuleBasedTransactionAttribute] : Applying rules to determine whether transaction should rollback on xxx.exceptions.CustomException
12:42:48.677 TRACE {pool-15-thread-1} [o.s.t.i.RuleBasedTransactionAttribute] : Winning rollback rule is: null
12:42:48.677 TRACE {pool-15-thread-1} [o.s.t.i.RuleBasedTransactionAttribute] : No relevant rollback rule found: applying default rules
12:42:48.677 DEBUG {pool-15-thread-1} [o.s.j.d.DataSourceTransactionManager] : Global transaction is marked as rollback-only but transactional code requested commit
If i set "rollbackFor = GenericException.class" - it's all ok:
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, rollbackFor = GenericException.class)
public class TimerStatePushServiceBean implements TimerStatePushService {
PushService pushService;
public Long pushEvent(TimerState timerState) throws GenericException {
return pushService.pushEventById(timerState.getId());
If i throw CustomException in mehtod "pushEvent" without set rollbackFor - it's all ok:
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public class TimerStatePushServiceBean implements TimerStatePushService {
PushService pushService;
public Long pushEvent(TimerState timerState) throws GenericException {
throw new CustomException("msg");
I don't understand what's going on. For information: I need rollback transaction in TimerStatePushService and don't rollback transaction in Service1.
I've resolved problem. I have two modules: core
and manager
. For core
is set:
<aop:pointcut expression="within(xxx.core..*) && @within(org.springframework.stereotype.Service)"
<aop:advisor order="1"
in core
module, another services in manager
I added setting for manager