I have web api using which I am able to upload image to server when client is mobile app but not web client is asp.net web from.
I am able to save image to virtual folder but then not able to upload via web api which stores both web/mobile uploaded images.
I am sure I am making mistake in writing client side code in asp.net or not able to handle proper postback of fileupload control please guide me where I am wrong.
here is API - "stackoverflow.com/a/35449422/8875271"; which I am using I just want client code/sample for asp.net web form using image upload control I have tired this but this didn't seems working please help I am stuck.
API working file on mobile as well as on postman.
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="filepanel" runat="server">
<asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload1" runat="server" />
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" Text="Attach" OnClick="LinkButton1_Click"></asp:LinkButton>
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="LinkButton1" />
protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" uploaded");
APIs api = new APIs();
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
string filename = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName;
Session["FileUpload1"] = filename;
FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("images\\" + FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName));
using (var fileStream = File.Open(Server.MapPath("images\\" + Session["FileUpload1"].toString() ), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("image file opened");
var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();
content.Add(new StreamContent(fileStream));
var response = client.PostAsync(api.pictureUpload, content).Result; -------Line 174
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("File Uploaded Successfully");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("File Uploaded
catch (IOException iex)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("io exception:" + iex.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("image path:" + ex.ToString());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("no file");
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. --->
System.NotSupportedException: Stream does not support reading.
at System.IO.Stream.BeginReadInternal(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32
count, AsyncCallback callback, Object state, Boolean serializeAsynchronously)
at System.IO.FileStream.BeginRead(Byte[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 numBytes,
AsyncCallback userCallback, Object stateObject)
at System.Net.Http.StreamToStreamCopy.StartRead()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.get_Result()
at TransferToMIR.LinkButton1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in path\TransferToMIR.aspx.cs:line 174
---> (Inner Exception #0) System.NotSupportedException: Stream does not support reading.
at System.IO.Stream.BeginReadInternal(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, AsyncCallback callback, Object state, Boolean serializeAsynchronously)
at System.IO.FileStream.BeginRead(Byte[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 numBytes, AsyncCallback userCallback, Object stateObject)
at System.Net.Http.StreamToStreamCopy.StartRead()<---
This change made it work
using (var fileStream = File.OpenRead(Server.MapPath("images\\" + Session["Filename"].toString())))