My database table is something like this (data is a JSONB column):
id | data
1 | {"tags": [{"name": "tag1"}, {"name": "tag2"}]}
2 | {"tags": [{"name": "tag2"}]}
3 | {"tags": [{"name": "tag3"}]}
4 | {"tags": [{"name": "tag4"}]}
I'd like to write a query that will return the rows where data
contains tags tag2
or tag3
. So rows 1, 2, and 3 should be returned.
I've been looking at the postgresql JSONB documentation and it's not clear to me how to query a nested structure like this. How would I write the where clause?
Using where exists with a filter on the unnested json array will return the rows with id 1, 2 & 3
FROM mytable
FROM jsonb_array_elements(data->'tags') x
WHERE x->>'name' IN ('tag2', 'tag3')