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Akka HTTP AuthenticationFailedRejection cause

I've created a directive that will validate a JWT token:

  def authenticated: Directive[Unit] = optionalHeaderValueByName("Authorization")
    .flatMap[Unit] {
      case Some(token) => Jwt.decode(token, "secret", Seq(JwtAlgorithm.HS256)) match {
        case Failure(_: JwtExpirationException) =>
          // TODO the rejection handler needs to know that the token is expired.
          reject(AuthenticationFailedRejection(CredentialsRejected, HttpChallenge("JWT", None)))
        case Failure(_: JwtException) =>
          // TODO the rejection handler needs to know that the token is invalid.
          reject(AuthenticationFailedRejection(CredentialsRejected, HttpChallenge("JWT", None)))
        case Success(_) =>
          // TODO read token and validate user id
      case None => reject(AuthenticationFailedRejection(CredentialsMissing, HttpChallenge("JWT", None)))

The problem is that their are only 2 causes: CredentialsRejected and CredentialsMissing. I need to be able to add an extra rejection cause to show if a token is expired. But the causes both extend from a sealed class so I can't make my own..

Is there a way to create a custom cause or to add some data to the CredentialsRejected cause so it is possible to check the reason of the rejection?


  • A (quite outdated, because it is in relation to spray instead of akka-http) comment to a request that looks like yours is: create your own Rejection instead of using AuthenticationFailedRejection to handle this.