I created a new Grails 3.3.6 application.
Following this document to create documentation for my project: Grails Docs
The above document says to use gradle docs
or grails doc
with following arguments..
--init - Create a template project documentation project (optional)
--pdf - Create PDF output for project documentation (optional)
Fired Events:
DocStart - Before documentation generation begins
DocEnd - After documentation generation completes
I created a scripts folder and added _Events.groovy file with the following contents.
eventDocStart = { kind ->
println "**************************** doc start"
eventDocEnd = {
println "**************************** doc end"
When i run gradle docs
. Java Docs and groovy docs are running but the events are not getting fired. And --pdf
argument does not work.
When i run grails doc
. I get Command not found doc
What am I doing wrong?
The documentation is wrong and this is no longer valid in Grails 3. I overcame my problem by intercepting the gradle docs command.
task generateDocs (type: GenerateDocsTask) {}
class GenerateDocsTask extends DefaultTask {
def docGenerate() {
List urls = project.sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.files.collect { it.toURI().toURL() }
URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(urls as URL[], (ClassLoader) null)
def gdocGenerator = classLoader.loadClass("com.rax.DocGenerator").newInstance()