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OnCollisionEnter2D not being executed?

Hey I have this script on a prefab of a projectile , that is suppose to be destroyed when collide with something. Well my problem is that when it collides with something this method is never triggered and I don't know why. I even have that debug and it never appears on it . The projectile has rigibody(kinematic) and box colider ! The thing he is suppose to collide with has colider too.

public class ProjectileColision : MonoBehaviour {

public GameObject projectile;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {


// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {

void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D col)

    if (col.gameObject.tag == "Projectile")


  • I think its because of kinematic

    A kinematic Rigidbody2D will only collide with a dynamic Rigidbody2D body type. The exception to this is if Rigidbody2D.useFullKinematicContacts is set to true in which case it will collide with all other Rigidbody2D body types.

    Try setting Body Type to Dynamic and see if OnCollisionEnter executes.


    Add a dynamic Rigidbody2D to the other collider