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How to declare outputChannel and handle http response for HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler in spring integration

Below is the configuration of HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler

@ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "httpRequestChannel")
    public HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler httpRequestExecutingMessageHandler() {
    HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler handler = new HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler(serviceUrl);

    return handler;

How should i configure httpResponseChannel to handle the httpResponse. I want to move origin file to success folder if http status code is 201 or to error folder for rest.

I'm using spring integration 5 with spring boot together.


  • It's not a httpResponseChannel responsibility. You need to consider to add an ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice for this HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler:

    And already there you can make a decision about success or failure.

    The @ServiceActivator has this option on the matter:

     * Specify a "chain" of {@code Advice} beans that will "wrap" the message handler.
     * Only the handler is advised, not the downstream flow.
     * @return the advice chain.
    String[] adviceChain() default { };